What Is Your Vibrational Frequency & 5 Steps To Raise It

In this week’s episode of The Cameron Phillips Podcast, we are talking about vibrational frequencies, what they are, and how you raise them.

To listen to the episode, click the link below:

What is your vibrational frequency?

Everything in our known universe is vibrating, literally. The way that science understands the universe, is that our most basic building blocks of everything are the components of the atom. Protons, electrons, neutrons, quarks, and as science is starting to reveal, particles that could be potentially even smaller. The significance that it holds for us is simple: vibrational energy.

In school we were taught that electrons orbit around the nucleus, but advanced research has revealed that they exist within a vibrational field that determines their position in the atom, thus determining which particle they manifest as, and how they link together to structure different elements that make up every known compound in the universe. The biggest takeaway here: energetic vibration is at the core of every atom in existence. The frequency that the electron cloud is vibrating at is what determines how the atom will manifest and what particle it will ultimately create.

This is powerful information. Humans, along with everything else in the known universe, are comprised of atoms, and thus give off a vibrational frequency that reflects their internal state.

The inner state determines the outer state.

How do you experience your vibrational frequency? Simple.

Think of the last time that you were walking down the street - maybe you just found out good news, you just completed a big task, or you’re just in a great mood. Think of that feeling of being “on top of the world” and feeling joy, love, and like you can make anything happen for yourself. That is a high vibrational frequency.

Now think of the last time that you felt down, like a victim of circumstance, unmotivated, frustrated, and how apathetic that made you feel; that is an experience of a low vibrational frequency.

High vibrational frequency is what leads to manifestation, and the follow through of feeling like you can create anything in your life. In essence, you can. That is why we are all trying to achieve high vibrational states, and how they can be powerful for our own transformation. This is also why we want to stay away from lower vibrational states and get out of that place as soon as we can.

So how do you raise your frequency? I’ve put together 5 simple steps for how I raise my frequency, using everyday, simple tasks that you can participate in too!

5 Steps to raising your Vibrational Frequency:

  1. Exercise

    The first step is the easiest and most attainable because everybody generally know what this is and how to participate.

    • It’s no secret that exercise is good for us physically and emotionally. It’s perhaps the most well-studied and understood in its benefits. 

    • There definitely is a culture of exercising just for the way we want to look - get skinnier, grow bigger muscles, look more defined - but I think it’s important to understand the concept of exercising for yourself and putting your body image out of the equation. 

    • When you move your body you oxygenate your blood and muscles, and release hormones in your body that transform your internal state, alleviating stress, increasing focus, and often times evoking a state of feeling-good, which shifts you into more positive thinking alignment. 

    • This is perhaps one of the most important areas to shift - into the positive alignment, because that is where all magic happens in your life - this is everything we talk about - the secret, the core of manifesting and all the above - it’s being in the high-vibe state. 

    • Most people think of investing in their mindset to be something that is more ‘woo woo’ - like meditation or more intense practices, but it can be as simple as exercising and riding the wave of feeling good that it brings.

    • Personally, I am a runner. I love going on long runs, with music, or a podcast. In one way I tune out of life, and in the other I am actively engaged in everything going on, and almost using that time to process everything in my brain so that after it’s over I don’t feel like I’m sitting around ruminating on things, it’s as if its been processed already. 

  2. Nature 

    • Again, it’s incredibly simple and easy to do, but just getting outside, walking, and surrounding yourself with as much nature as possible is the easiest way to ground and connect yourself with this earth that we live on.

    • I also love nature actives with a view - either a park near a city, or a hill, or a mountain, or a valley / gorge/ canyon - seeing a view and getting a larger perspective on your surroundings is incredibly connecting, and makes you feel a part of something bigger, which is essential for human psychology. 

    • So many people will say “they’re not nature people” or rebel against the concept of being outside, but truly we all come from nature at our core, and everyone can enjoy it’s benefits. Even if it’s not exercising outdoors like I mentioned with running, just going for a nature walk, or sitting on a bench or the ground can be incredibly inspiring, calming, and frequency raising. Especially in the spring and summer when the trees and grass are teeming with life, pumping out oxygen and filling your eyes with color - it can be so much more transformative that people give credit to.

  3. Meditation

    • I have a storied history with meditation - and I’ve used it for many years to calm myself down, and program new beliefs into my mind and body when I do my manifestations. 

    • Meditation is so powerful because it can exist in so many different forms, methods, styles, and have so many different purposes too. 

    • In it’s simplest, purest form, meditation is about quieting the mind and detaching from your thoughts  - which is exactly what so many people are so afraid of. The most common resistance to meditation is “I’m too frantic and I cant sit still, so it’s not for me” - and the most common practitioner response to that is “those who say they’re too busy or can’t sit still for meditation, are exactly those who need it the most” 

    • Meditation can offer so much - at it’s simplest for it’s taking deep breaths and just focusing on the air moving in and out of your body, to a more complex practice working with your energy and connecting to anything you can imagine.

    • Personally I do a mix where I calm, and physically relax my body, and then from there take my thoughts to the energy of the universe and tap into something bigger. I take concepts in my mind and explore then, and shift my body into the feelings I want to feel. Money for example, in my meditations, I can explore a sum of money that I want to attract, and feel the feeling of what it would be like to receive that money right now, and then shift my body into that state and ruminate in that feeling, and that energy in meditation. That’s how you program next beliefs for manifestation - it’s the feeling as if it’s already done, but in a much deeper way because you explore what it feels like to have it in your life.

    • Meditation can infuse the positive feelings and expand your consciousness, which is an incredibly powerful way to raise your frequency to unlimited potential 

  4. Yoga

    • I have mentioned this several times recently - but yoga has been one of the best recent additions to my life. 

    • I’ve done yoga in the past, but only recently have I started to understand more about it 

    • The physical postures and stretches oxygenate your body, work on different neural, muscular, and internal systems, and have a profound affect on your body beyond strength and flexibility

    • I see it as releasing stuck energy, and getting energy flowing through your body, which makes the perfect primer to shift into meditation after the energy is flowing

    • There is a beautiful feeling of freedom, flow, and peace that comes over my body after a good yoga flow, and it’s so easy for your body to get into that state because through the postures you are priming your body to slip into that state effortlessly. 

  5. Journaling and Gratitude Journaling 

    • I have only recently realized the profound power of writing things down and getting them out of your mind 

    • Things like thought downloads or stream of consciousness writing - just writing anything and everything down out of your mind to create freedom and space

    • Seeing your thoughts proves very powerful too, as it allows you to be a third party to your thoughts which is also the goal of meditation 

    • Gratitude Journaling is powerful because it allows you to cast out good energy into the vibrational vortex of positivity. Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions for shifting into a positive state, and when you write down the gratitude there is literally and energetic flow that you are putting out. It’s so much more than just thinking about things your grateful for, writing it down transforms it. 

All of these steps have been incredibly powerful and transformational in my life. It’s important to acknowledge that everyone has good and bad days, and the power lies in developing the tools to shift back to the positive space when you need to. That’s why I create the content I do, to empower you with the tools to shape your own world and create the life you want to live.

Happy Frequency Raising,

Listen to the podcast here: